Equanimity doesn’t mean not having likes or dislikes. It simply means not letting your likes and dislikes take over the mind. You prefer following the path to not following the path, but you don’t let other preferences get in the way of actually following the path.
Question: There are those who I like, those who I don’t like. I have my preferences. Equanimity to me seems like a utopia. Please comment.
Thanissaro Bhikkhu: Equanimity doesn’t mean not having likes or dislikes. It simply means not letting your likes and dislikes take over the mind. It basically comes down to the fact that certain things in life you can change and certain things you cannot. You need to have equanimity about the things you cannot change so that you have the strength and energy to work on the things that you can change and improve. When they say that the Great Way is not difficult for those with no preferences, what they mean is that you have to be willing to do whatever the Great Way requires. If it requires observing the precepts, then you observe the precepts. If it requires learning how to concentrate the mind, then you concentrate the mind. You prefer following the path to not following the path, but you don’t let other preferences get in the way of actually following the path.
~ Good Heart, Good Mind: The Practice of the Ten Perfections
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