The even-mindedness of a fully awakened person is an attitude not of cold indifference, but rather of mental imperturbability.
"[An awakened person] feels sympathy for others and seeks their
well-being, experiencing a sense of satisfaction when they respond to
[his/her] teachings, but otherwise [he/she] stays equanimous,
untroubled, mindful, and alert. This passage shows that the
even-mindedness of a fully awakened person is an attitude not of cold
indifference, but rather of mental imperturbability. Such a person has
found true happiness and would like others to share that happiness as
well, but that happiness is not dependent on how others respond. This is
the ideal state of mind for a person who truly works for the benefit of
the world."
~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "The Wings to Awakening"
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