So instead of banging your head against the wall, against things you can’t change, you learn to regard them with equanimity, and look around to see, "Well, what CAN I change?"
"The reflection on everyone’s karma is also a reflection to induce equanimity for the things that you can’t change, particularly the things that you’ve already done in the past or the results of things that you’ve done in the past. Not only things that you’ve done, but also things that other people have done. There are people who you want to help but you can’t help them because of their karma. Sometimes you can’t help them because of your karma. So instead of banging your head against the wall, against things you can’t change, you learn to regard them with equanimity, and look around to see, “Well, what CAN I change?”"
~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "Faith in Karma"
~ Thanissaro Bhikkhu "Faith in Karma"
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